Dare2Care Pediatrics is dedicated to helping the parents of newborns succeed through frequent education, guidance in newborn care, and empathy and support. Dr. Madhuri and her team hope to help families adjust to a newborn and attain balance and harmony as they learn how to be parents.
Our experienced professionals will lovingly care for your newborn, nurture the whole family, and provide the answers and support new parents need. Dr. Madhuri will guide new mothers through the trials and tribulations of breastfeeding and help new mothers and fathers feel like valuable team members in the care of their baby. As a mother who breastfed her children, Dr. Madhuri also offers the practical experience and suggestions that new mothers are looking for. When there is concern regarding latching and lactation issues Dr. Madhuri and the Dare2Care Pediatrics team will work closely with lactation consultants and ENT specialists to ensure that mothers are truly successful at breastfeeding. When there are valid concerns regarding the inability to breastfeed, Dr. Madhuri will understand and stress that the emotional bond between mother and child takes the most importance.
A new baby is like the beginnings of all things – wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.
Dr. Madhuri is prepared & dedicated to providing outstanding service including, but not limited to, physical and emotional support for families making the initial adjustment of a new baby. Dr. Madhuri will assist the entire family with the everyday care of your new baby/babies. She will collaborate with you to establish a sleeping and feeding routine that accommodates your family’s schedule and needs. She offers suggestions to parents on how to get the much-needed rest they deserve. Her goal is to help each new family member adjust to their new role in relation to the newborn with ease and self-confidence.
Our team knows how important your child’s safety is to you. Experts estimate that 74-90% of car seats are installed or used incorrectly. Instead of taking your chances, schedule an appointment with us. We provide in-house checks of car seats and make sure to ensure the safety of your child’s car seats.